As both a homebrew Dungeon Master and an artist, I have a tendency to turn my D&D characters, stories, and props into art, particularly when our latest campaign was cancelled last year due to COVID. So I am giving it new life.
The Relic of Burkhet is a sacred relic linked to the Spire of Burkhet, one of the five divine spires of creation. The dwarven shamans of WInterforge use this relic to channel divine energy into the spire to forge strong dwarven metals, armor, and weapons deep within the mountain city.
The marble-like hammer head itself depicts Amen-Khor, a dwarf founder from the ancient Era of Light. The inverted handle shaft depicts the Spire of Burkhet. The black gems are of unknown material origin and symbolize the Goddess of Eos, Aldaumia. The runes are of my own creation for the campaign: Advic script.
Thank you for viewing, and I hope you enjoy.
The dwarf's face is based on Abel Oroz's Dwarven Relief concept: